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Competition for H2A.Z underlies the developmental impacts of repetitive elements de-repression. Development.

The histone variant H2A.Z is known to be enriched at promoters and enhancers. By establishing genomic profiles of H2A.Z using CUT&Tag, we show here that H2A.Z also marks a subset of repetitive elements(REs). Importantly, de-repression of REs leads to H2A.Z accumulation at REs while reduction at promoters. We propose that REs and gene promoters are competing for limited H2A.Z in early developing embryos.

Anp32e protects against accumulation of H2A.Z at Sox motif containing promoters during zebrafish gastrulation. Developmental Biology.

Spearheaded by former undergraduate student Fabian Halblander, we show that the H2A.Z chaperone, Anp32e, prevent premature H2A.Z accumulation at a subset of genes. These genes are highly enriched for Sox motifs. Our study thus suggest that Anp32e and H2A.Z might be particularly important for Sox transcription factors mediated gene expression program.

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* Co-first authors, + Corresponding/Co-corresponding authors, # Undergraduate researcher

Das D, Khor ES, Jiang F, He J, Kawakami Y, Wainwright L, Hollinger J, Geiger J, Liu H, Meng FW, Porter GA, Jin Z, Murphy PJ, Yao P. (2024) Loss-of-function of RNA-binding protein PRRC2B causes translational defects and congenital cardiovascular malformation. medRxiv.

Blanc RS+, Shah N, Salama NA, Meng FW, Mousaei A, Chakkalakal JV, Onukwufor JO, Murphy PJ, Calvi LM, Dirksen RT. (2024) Epigenetic erosion of H4K20me1 induced by inflammation drives aged stem cell ferroptosis. Research Square.

Halblander F#, Meng FW+, Murphy PJ+.(2023) Anp32e protects against accumulation of H2A.Z at Sox motif containing promoters during zebrafish gastrulation. Developmental Biology.

Meng FW, Murphy KE, Makowski CE, Delatte B, Murphy PJ+.(2023) Competition for H2A.Z underlies the developmental impacts of repetitive elements de-repression. Development.

Shi H, Chen S, Yan C, Meng FW, Ossip DJ, Li D+. (2023) Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiling in comparison between pathological and physiological hypertrophy of human cardiomyocytes. Frontiers in Genetics.

Akdogan-Ozdilek B, Duval KL, Meng FW, Murphy PJ+, Goll MG+. (2022) Identification of chromatin states during zebrafish gastrulation using CUT&RUN and CUT&Tag. Developmental Dynamics.

Meng FW+, Murphy PJ+. (2021) Rolling uphill: in vivo reacquisition of pluripotency during cranial neural crest differentiation. Communications Biology.

Murphy KE*, Meng FW*, Makowski CE, Murphy PJ+. (2020) Genome-wide chromatin accessibility is restricted by ANP32E. Nature Communications.

Meng FW, Rojas Villa SE, Biteau B+. (2020) Sox100B regulates progenitor cell-specific gene expression and differentiation in the adult Drosophila intestine. Stem Cell Reports.

Rojas Villa SE, Meng FW, Biteau B+. (2019) Zfh2 controls cell activation and differentiation in the adult Drosophila intestinal absorptive lineage. PLoS Genetics.

Meng FW and Biteau B+. (2017) There and back again: amitosis to repopulate a stem cell pool. Stem Cell Investigation.

Meng FW and Biteau B+. (2015) A Sox transcription factor is a critical regulator of adult stem cell proliferation in the Drosophila intestine. Cell Reports.